RegexH v2.1.0 [Unlocked] [Latest]

RegexH v2.1.0 [Unlocked] [Latest]


RegexH is your app for working and / or learning regular expressions at different levels. With this application you will be able to understand a regex expression, thanks to the complete explanation of each of the elements that compose it. In addition, it allows you to design regular expressions by just selecting pre-established components.

Moreover it has other functionalities as :
-value expressions
-recognize captured groups
-to make replacements
-generate common expressions
– save the regex you use most *

It also has the necessary information about the different elements that make up the syntax of regex expressions.

The design of this application is specially meditated to facilitate navigation to the user.

What’s New
Version 1.9.1
The advertising has been completely removed.


Downloads :  Paid features Unlocked
                       Mod Off Line
RegexH v2.1.0 [Unlocked] / MirrorRegexH v2.0.7 [Unlocked] / MirrorRegexH v2.0.3 [Unlocked] / Mirror


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